In case you missed some of the topics we covered this week, here is the social media week-in-review!
Managing and monitoring your online reputation is more important than ever, and the numbers are there to prove it. You might be surprised by some of the data that is showcased here, and it might make you look at monitoring your online reputation and little more closely! Have a look at the great infographic here.
We all do it. It seems so intuitive and yet, we all tend to make these mistakes. Take a look at these three common social media mistakes and see if there are any you have been guilty of in the past!
There are critics and detractors, but the reality of Google+ is that, when used correctly, it can be one of your most powerful assets. The benefits to exposure, SEO, influence and business growth are nearly unsurpassed in the world of social media. Take a look at these 5 tips for using Google+ effectively to find out why.
Sometimes, the best lessons we learn are those that teach us what not to do. That is the case when it comes to a recent action taken by the makers of Nutella that went viral on social media – and not in the way brands would hope for. Find out what lessons marketers can learn from the makers of Nutella in this week’s Case Studies.
Mobile marketing tools are growing both in popularity and prominence when it comes to forms of social marketing. Foursquare has recently made a slew of changes that have greatly increased the network’s value for business. Businesses that use the network properly stand to garner a significant degree of Social Equity, and we showcase what that value added is in this week’s Social Equity segment!
Have a look through some of these great articles and enjoy your weekend!