Social Media at the Super Bowl [INFOGRAPHIC]
Social media was the big winner at the Super Bowl, and these numbers show exactly why.
We all know that social media made a splash this year at the Super Bowl. As we noted in a recent post, roughly half of all Super Bowl ads this year featured some form of social media integration, mostly in the form of a hashtag. That was up from just a few last year, and only one two years ago. Clearly, the trend of social media for business is picking up steam in the marketing and advertising world.
Well, a week after the big game, Marketing Profs has put together some great infographics detailing exactly how social media was used during the Super Bowl, the impact social had on the game, and the impact the game had on the world of social media.
Have a look at these infographics below and tell us what you think; where does social media in the world of business head from here? Tell us in the comments below or on Twitter!