Building Millennial Loyalty with Content Strategies (Part 3)
You can drive Millennial loyalty by implementing some carefully crafted content strategies.
In May, my new book, Marketing to Millennials for Dummies will be available online and in-stores. (You can also pre-order the book today!) While the idea of marketing to Millennials can be more broadly understood as marketing to a modern consumer, there are certain traits that have been established with the Millennial demographic specifically, and have slowly begun to expand to other cohorts. As such, I am publishing a five-part series discussing the strategic use of content in the pursuit of building loyalty with Millennials (and modern consumers, in general). This series will run over the next few weeks as we prepare for the launch of our new website and the book. In this part, we will take a closer look at how marketers can personalize the experience for Millennials, and how value drives loyalty with your audience.
Personalize Each Segment’s Content
Personalizing the content you share to Millennial audience segments is a two-step process. The first involves segmenting your audience of Millennials using one or several of many (often free) tools that are available to marketers. While this process could easily be a series of articles on its own (and a process that I cover in fairly extensive detail in my book, Marketing to Millennials for Dummies) it suffices to say, in this case, that you could conduct this segmentation process by using Facebook’s Audience Analysis tool on your email lists and identify segments based on interests and behaviors. In this segmentation process, one of the important factors that you’ll want to keep on the lookout for are the expressed (or implied, based on likes and engagement with other brands on Facebook) interests that your audience possesses. These interests will allow you to get a better understanding of what makes your Millennial audience segments tick, which will allow for extensive customization of your messaging.
Customization of your content is an important strategy because of the almost overwhelming amount of noise that exists online. Your audience can simply be too easily distracted by something else in a timeline or news feed to pay attention to your generic content. It needs to speak to your Millennial audience on a personal level, which will accomplish a number of objectives. First, personalized content will catch your audience’s initial attention. Once you have that, the more personalized the message, the longer your audience will be willing to stick around for it. The average attention span of online adults is only a handful of seconds. If you want to extend that, think customization first. Lastly, personalized content will lead to faster relationship development and nurturing. The closer you can get to your Millennials, as noted in the previous strategy, the more loyal they will be and the greater their lifetime value becomes.
By focusing your efforts on creating personalized, highly engaging content for each of your audience pockets, Millennial loyalty will be a much more attainable objective. Be sure to keep an eye out next week for the second content strategy I cover regarding the types of content that are best suited for building Millennial loyalty. And don’t forget to pre-order your copy of Marketing to Millennials for Dummies on Amazon today!