15 Amazing Social Media Fun Facts
Everyone loves a good collection of social media fun facts, and with all that is happening in the market, there are always plenty of new ones to share!

Surprising and amazing social media fun facts!
It’s always hard to believe the speed at which social media increases and the resulting data always baffles marketers. Here is another great collection of social media fun facts!
- The average Facebook user has a network of 155 Friends.
- 2 new professional accounts are created per minute on LinkedIn.
- 30-64 year olds are more likely to use LinkedIn than the 18-29 age demographic.
- 49% of Instagram users are daily active users.
- 28% of adults Internet users are active on Pinterest.
- 41% of teens age 13-17 are active Snapchat users.
- 53% of 18-29 year old Internet users are active on Instagram.
- 56% of 15-17 year old girls use Snapchat.
- 91% of mentions are Twitter come from users with less than 500 followers.
- 58% of marketers indicate that written content resonates more than visual content.
- In 2015, spending on social media initiatives and marketing will total roughly $10 billion (globally).
- 53% of consumers reaching out to brands on Twitter expect a response within one hour.
- 8,796 snaps are shared on Snapchat every second.
- 75% of consumers indicate that social media is part of the buying process.
- The average social media users spends over two hours per day on different social networks.
Be sure to check back regularly for more updates on statistics and fun facts from around the social media market!